I help build Duende.IdentityServer, speak at conferences about security and identity, and train other developers about OAuth and OpenId Connect.

Getting Started with PAR in ASP.NET 9 Previews

In my previous post, I shared my enthusiasm that I had contributed PAR support to ASP.NET, available in the upcoming 9.0 release. A deep dive on the extensibility points is still coming, but I thought first I should show a simple example of how to try out PAR today using nightly builds of the .NET SDK and OIDC nuget packages. The source for this example is on github, but read on for a step-by-step breakdown.

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Support for PAR in ASP.NET Core 9.0

I’m really excited to share that ASP.NET Core 9.0 will include support for Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR). We’ve been discussing the new API in this issue, and my PR merged just a few hours ago as of this writing. You’ll be able to try it out in preview 7 of ASP.NET Core 9.0.

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